ACNL supports nursing research and scholarly activities (e.g. evidence-based practice or performance improvement projects). ACNL will provide access to the membership database for identifying potential participants for research studies or other scholarly endeavors for qualifying projects.
Please click the link below to learn more about the application process and requirements.
Begin by completing this applicaion:
To view previously submitted abstracts and/or upload a new abstract.
Step 1: Choose Evidence Based Practice or Research Abstract template below.
Step 2: Save Abstract Template to upload into Submission Profile (Or upload for editing on your cloud application)
Step 3: Complete Submission Profile. Once your abstract is prepared in a separate Word document or cloud platform document (Google Drive, One Drive, DropBox, etc.), complete the submission form below and upload your abstract for review.
Submit Evidence Base Practice or Research Abstract
Once approved your abstract will be posted under the appropriate category below.